The Parish Council has set its statutory period for public inspection of the 2023/24 accounts as Monday, 3rd June to Friday, 12th July 2024 inclusive.
Polling Districts and Polling Places Review
Lancaster City Council is currently undertaking a statutory review of polling districts and polling places (polling stations). The proposals currently suggest no changes to the polling district for Aldcliffe with Stodday or to the Polling Station at Lancaster Methodist Church.…
New Planning Application – Arna Wood Lane (ref 23/01140/FUL)
The Parish Council has been notified of a new planning application at Arna Wood, as follows: 23/01140/FUL. Partially retrospective change of use of land to 3 no Gypsy/Traveller pitches comprising 3 touring caravans and 3 mobile homes, siting of a…
Oaklands Court Pedestrian Gate
Planning Proposal – Land South of Aldcliffe Hall Lane
Some Parishioners were recently notified of a planning proposal for a number of houses to be built in the field to the south of Aldcliffe Hall Lane. The proposal documents were posted on the City Council Planning Portal but then…
Chairman’s Annual Report 2022/23
The Parish Chairman Nick Webster presented his annual report for 2022/23 to the Parish Council meeting on 10th May 2023
Stodday Picnic Site Completed
After a lengthy project, the refurbishment of the picnic site on the River Lune Estuary path is now complete. The Parish Council’s gratitude goes to the Lancaster University Wind Turbine Community Benefits Fund and to Lancashire County Council for providing…
Aldcliffe Road Hedgerows
Parishioners will be pleased to learn that, following representations by the Parish Council, the hedgerows to the West of Aldcliffe Road between Park Meadow and East Lodge have now been trimmed. The Parish Council had received several comments about the…
Parish Council elections, 4th May 2023
Would you like to become a Parish Councillor and help make the Parish of Aldcliffe with Stodday a better place to live? Parish Council elections for the full five Councillor places are due on 4th May 2023 and will provide…