Aldcliffe with Stodday Parish Council

Parish Council elections, 4th May 2023

Would you like to become a Parish Councillor and help make the Parish of Aldcliffe with Stodday a better place to live?

Parish Council elections for the full five Councillor places are due on 4th May 2023 and will provide parishioners with the opportunity to stand to be elected and make a positive contribution to the parish.

If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please have a look at the following links, which provide more information on the role and election process. Lancaster City Council issued the Notice of Election on Monday, 20th March 2023 and nomination papers are now available. The period for submitting nominations will run from Tuesday, 21st March until 4.00pm on Tuesday, 4th April 2023.

Electoral Commission Guidance on the Election Process

If you are interested in standing as a Parish Councillor in the forthcoming election and want more information, please email the Parish Clerk at