Planning application number 24/00638/FUL is on the agenda for Lancaster City Council’s Planning Regulatory Committee (PRC) meeting on Monday, 10th February 2025. The application proposes the installation of a gate and control panel, repair of wall and fence and realignment…
Recent Planning Applications, Aldcliffe Hall Drive
Parishioners have expressed concern about the confusing nature of a number of recent planning applications ostensibly referring to a six house development. To clarify, this is not a request for a new building development. These applications refer back to an…
Arna Wood Traveller Site Planning Application Refused
We have received notice that the City Council has refused planning application 23/01581/FUL – Partially retrospective change of use of land to 3 no Gypsy/Traveller pitches comprising 3 touring caravans and 3 mobile homes, siting of a day room, erection…
Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council, 27th June 2023
Regarding the planning proposal 23/00567/OUT Land South of Aldcliffe Hall Lane. Following considerable concern within the Parish about this proposed development, the Parish Council has called an Extraordinary Meeting to discuss the issue. The meeting will be held on Tuesday…
Lancaster South Area Action Plan (LSAAP)
Over the past few months, Councillors have joined with colleagues from Thurnham, Scotforth and Ellel Parish Councils in a series of meetings with Lancaster City Council surrounding the development of an Area Action Plan for South Lancaster (including the Bailrigg…
Planning Appeal Dismissed – Land Adjacent to Aldcliffe Road
The Planning Inspector has today issued a decision dismissing the appeal lodged by Aldcliffe Hall Estates against the City Council’s refusal of application number 19/01460/OUT. View the Inspector’s decision letter. The application proposed the erection of nine dwellings on land…
Consultation on a Review of the District Local Plan
Lancaster City Council has launched a public consultation on a review of the recently adopted Local Plan to take account of the Climate Emergency which the Council declared earlier this year. Background to the Review View the leaflet issued by…
Planning application – land adj to Aldcliffe Road
An outline application has been submitted for the erection of 9 detached dwellings, off Aldcliffe Road View the application on the City Council’s planning portal: 19/01460/OUT Outline application for the erection of 9 detached dwellings with associated access. Land At Grid Reference…
Planning consultation responses, December 2019
The Parish Council has recently submitted the following letters in response to planning proposals within and adjacent to the parish
Planning applications, w/e 19th April 2019
19/00451/FUL Erection of a single storey rear extension, erection of an outbuilding and associated landscaping works. Snuff Mill, Snuff Mill Lane. View application 19/00451/FUL on the Planning Portal 19/0058/TPO Crown reduction and selective branch removal on one Beech and two…