Parish Council Meeting to be held remotely using ‘Zoom’ video conferencing on Tuesday, 1st December 2020 commencing at 7.00pm


Note to Parishioners:


Members of the public are very welcome to attend this meeting through the use of the Zoom video conferencing software.  If you would like to attend, please contact the Parish Clerk by email to to request details and a link and password to join the meeting.



1.            Apologies.  To receive apologies

2.            Minutes.  To consider and approve Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 3rd November 2020.

3.            Declarations of Interest.  To receive any changes to Declarations of Interest of Parish Councillors

4.            Planning Applications.  To consider and comment on planning matters, including new planning applications and an update on decisions.  New applications received since the last meeting are as set out below:

Application No:


None received


5.            Neighbourhood Plan.  To receive an update on the project and consider the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan prepared and tabled by the NDP Working Group (previously circulated).

6.            Transforming Lancaster Travel.  To agree the Parish Council’s response to the County Council’s current consultation.

7.            Bay Authority Proposal.  To consider the current consultation by Lancaster, Barrow and South Lakeland district councils.

8.            HGVs using Aldcliffe Hall Lane.  To consider ongoing issues with the misdirection of HGVs along the Lane.

9.            Revised Budget 2020/21 and Draft Budget 2021/22.  To consider a report from the Parish Clerk (to come) and set the budget and precept for 2021/22.

10.         Snuff Mill Lane footpath flooding. To receive an update on developments.  Chairman to report.


11.         Public Discussion and Updates.  To adjourn the meeting for a period of public discussion and to provide any ‘information only’ updates on activities in recent weeks.  (Note: Any matters needing a ‘decision’ will normally be considered as an agenda item at a future meeting).

a)     Clerk’s report on activities and correspondence since last meeting

b)     Members’ updates and reports since the last meeting, including:


Amenity, incl Lengthsman

Stakeholder, incl United Utilities

PRoW Aldcliffe Hall Drive


BT Openreach

c)      Report of District and County Councillors

d)     Public discussion

12.         Payments.  To authorise payment of the following accounts:

Payee & Detail


Robinson Countryside – Lengthsman Services, September and October 2020 *note


Kirkwells Ltd.  NDP consultation fees.


Councillor Parrett.  Photocopying fees – Lancashire County Council re Non-Designated Heritage Assets information.


Derek Whiteway – Parish Clerk salary and expenses, November 2020


HMRC – PAYE deductions, November 2020


Note:  this invoice has been paid under delegated authority and is presented for information only.

13.         Date of Next Meeting.  To confirm the date and time of next meeting.



Derek Whiteway

Parish Clerk                                                                                      25th November 2020

Tel:  01524 64908
